
“CCIP Appreciation Day,” commending CCIP for providing an excellent platform for cultural exchange that has brought an undeniably positive energy to NYC, has been declared by Manhattan Borough Presidents Scott Stringer and Gale Brewer six times since 2011.

2024-07-09Queens Borough President Donovan Richards FUSIA, Designated Sponsor
Certificate of Recognition
2024-07-09NYC Mayor Eric Adamsto FUSIA, Designated Sponsor
2024-07-09NYS Assemblywoman Grace Leeto FUSIA, Designated Sponsor
2024-07-09NYS Assemblyman Ron Kimto FUSIA, Designated Sponsor
2024-07-09Member of Assembly David Weprinto Founder, Elizabehth Kay
2024-07-09Member of Assembly David Weprinto CCIP J-1 Internship by FUSIA
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
2024-07-09US Congresswoman Grace Mengto FUSIA, Designated Sponsor
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
2024-07-09US Congresswoman Grace Mengto Host Organizations
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
2024-07-09US Congresswoman Grace Mengto Participants
Certificate of Recognition
2024-07-09NYS Senator Toby Ann Staviskyto Participants
2024-07-09Member of Assembly David Weprinto Host Organizations
Certificate of Recognition
2024-07-09NYC Councilwoman Sandra Ungto FUSIA, Designated Sponsor
Certificate of Recognition
2024-07-09NYS Senator Toby Ann Staviskyto Founder, Elizabehth Kay
Certificate of Recognition
2024-07-09NYS Senator John Liuto CCIP J-1 Internship by FUSIA