The Cross Cultural Exchange Program ( has returned to Broadway, this time to see the world-renowned musical, "Les Misérables," based on the novel by Victor Hugo. The show, in its current run since 2014, is playing at the Imperial Theatre, which opened in 1924. The story is about a French peasant in the early 19th-century who is hounded by a police inspector, yet despite the bleak plot, the musical is one of the most popular in the world and is the second longest running show in Broadway's history.
Twenty-seven students attended the activity on July 19th, which was lead by Ying Huang (Rain) and Mingchen Sun (Victor), both students from Macau University of Science and Technology.
"I've been here for a month now," Victor said, "and I feel like I'm starting to understand the city better. Helping to organize this activity was a good test for us and I think Rain and I passed. I feel really good about what I'm learning not just at my internship but in the program, too."
The students were able to get discounted group tickets to the show which made it possible for more of them to experience one of New York's most famous attractions.
"Seeing a show on Broadway is one of those things that everyone should do at least once," Rain said. "I had been looking forward to this night ever since I arrived, and it did not disappoint. The acting and the costumes were very impressive. This was the best show I've ever been to, and I'm very glad I get to check this off of my to-do list."
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