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Form DS-7002, Training/Internship Placement Plan (also called the “T/IPP” or “training plan”), is a SEVIS-generated document that outlines training objectives and activities, serving as the curriculum for exchange interns, trainees, and student interns.

How to Submit?

Key Points

1 DS-7002 is generally completed by the Primary Phase Supervisor (PPS).
2 It serves as the curriculum, ensuring all parties clearly understand and agree on activities and relevant terms.
3 It must be signed by the PPS, intern/trainee, and RO/ARO before DS-2019 issuance, per 62.22(i)(1).
4 DS-7002 has two versions: paper and electronic. The paper form has five pages, with pages 3-5 repeating for each phase.
5 It must be accurate; notify FUSIA immediately (or within 72 hours if urgent) for any changes, with amendments and signing.
6 22 CFR Part 62.22 outlines related compliance that involved parties must follow.
7 Information provided by Host and EV to us is entered into SEVIS, and our application system syncs with it.
8 J-1 internships are up to 12 months, and training programs are up to 18 months*.
9 Ensure progression through structured phases, which may overlap but must not have gaps, except for Korea WEST/IWT.
10 DS-7002 is phase-oriented, generally covering one phase every three months. General rules: 1-6 months 1-2 phases, 6-12 months: 3-4 phases, 12-18 months: 4+ phases. No phase can exceed 6 months without approval.

*J-1 Internships in Agriculture, Hospitality, and Tourism: Can extend up to 18 months if the program includes 6+ months of classroom participation and studies.

EV = Exchange Visitor | RO/ARO = Responsible Officer/Alternate Responsible Officer | Host = Host Organization | MPS = Main Program Supervisor/Point of Contact | PPS = Primary Phase Supervisor
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